A survey of customer experience across Irish businesses was conducted by CEXI.org in June 2015.

Customer service is what we like to give our customers, while customer experience is how our customers actually experience that service.

The best business brand in the survey was the Irish Credit Unions. They kept their doors open for consumers through the recession, unlike the main banks, and maintained their strong links to their local communities.

The worst performing brand of the survey was Irish Water! They scored very low on integrity, or trust. When consumers don’t trust a brand, everything else is a struggle.

Of the 9 industry sectors measured, restaurants and takeaways came fifth in overall terms.

The customer experience lessons for Irish companies, according to the report:

  1. Outstanding customer experience is now the best way to differentiate your business and brand.
  2. Human interaction is revered in Ireland, staff must be encouraged and empowered as motivated staff provide great customer experiences.
  3. Under promise and over deliver, to reduce the ‘expectation’ gap.
  4. Focus on customer retention – loyal customers will happily sell on your behalf through referrals and testimonials.
  5. Accept that your business will make mistakes, but prepare plans for fast and effective resolution.
  6. Leadership – the boss must participate in making customer experience a business priority
  7. Positive customer behaviour should be rewarded, don’t ignore loyal customers at the expense of rewarding new ones.
  8. Read your customers mind, not your own. Think like your customer.
  9. Look to other industries for excellent customer experience examples, not just within your own industry.

For a free copy of the full report, complete the contact form and we’ll email it straight to you.

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