Many in the food business have had to deal with the occasional customer complaint. While many of these are genuine, and are really an opportunity for the business to make improvement, some can be a little more, shall we say, opportunistic.

Here’s an interesting one from Nestle, the owners of Kit Kat, reported in the Huffington Post.
A Kings College London student bought a multi-pack of Kit Kats for £2, and on opening each one discovered that none of the bars contained a wafer biscuit.
She wrote to Nestle claiming monetary and emotional distress, and demanded a written apology from Nestle bosses, a full refund of her £2, and, wait for it, a lifetime supply of Kit Kat.
Not everyone has the same reaction when they find a Kit Kat with no wafer. Believe it or not, there’s a Facebook page devoted to waferless Kit Kats. Even more incredulous, finding a solid chocolate Kit Kat ranked no. 9 on Buzzfeed’s list of the “23 greatest things that could possibly happen to a British person”.

Hope she has a damn fine lawyer who doesn’t like to charge!

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